26 August 2009

Old School Artwork

I took this photograph last semester for Large Format class. After scanning the ektachrome film, I emailed it to my uncle who used a program he loves to make it look like a painting. The instructor for the class had told me that the composition of my image looked like one of the old master paintings. Now it really does.
This image was taken in a dark studio at RCC with a Sinar F-1 Large Format camera and one Speedotron flash unit. The flash was set close to the left and a white fill card was set close to the right of the scene. After metering the flash until it read f/16, I set my aperture to f/45 to achieve maximum depth of field and left the shutter open until I had popped the flash eight times.


As breakfast is "the most important meal of the day", I thought it only fitting to start my blog with a photo of it. This was a client assignment for my Photographic Illustration class and was just as enjoyable to photograph as it was to eat afterward.
To light this image, I sat a small table right next to a window and added a touch of fill light from the left side facing a fill card on the right. My Nikon D80 was set on 1/60 sec at f/5.6, ISO 400. I used a focal length of 52mm on a 28-200 mm lens.